Our First Halloween

Our First Halloween

I’ve never had trick-or-treaters come to my house growing up. Not once in the span of my memory has anyone come to our door. So I was pretty dang excited for this year’s Halloween to finally know what it’s like to have little ghouls and goblins come to my door. I wasn’t disappointed.
My Louise costume is my go-to when I’m in a costume pinch. We’re in money saving mode for the holidays (as I’m sure everyone is) so we decided to just break out some vintage costumes rather than splurging on something new. Plus I doubt the kids even cared that we were in costume anyway.
Ever since we closed on our house back in March I couldn’t wait for trick-or-treaters. The excitement got a little out of hand a few weeks out when I realized I hadn’t a clue how much candy we might need. I talked to some seasoned neighbors about Halloween’s past and got a lot of mixed responses. A lot of our close neighborhood friends also moved in this year so we all spent many evenings trying to decide how much to buy. We went as far as to try and do the math to figure out how many pieces we might need per average American household. We managed to have enough, plus some of the good stuff left over for ourselves.
To make the first Halloween in our house even better, my mom came with the two dogs. Alex and I are in hardcore “convince my parents to move to this side of the state” mode so it was so nice to have her there to help keep tally of kids. We really took the accurate trick-or-treater count seriously. Close to 200 hundred kids later we crashed on the couch in a sugar coma. Happy, hopped up on sugar, and ready for a scary movie to end a perfect Halloween night.
I was never crazy about Halloween in the past, but I can definitely seeing it become a family favorite when we have kids. Alex has already purchased a lot of on-sale decorations for next year. So from our spooktacular family to yours, I hope you had a very scary Halloween.