10 Ways to Grow Your Newsletter This Year
Jan 11, 2023 | business
Whether it's a goal for this year or something you've just been meaning to work on, a newsletter is a great way to keep in touch with your customers/readers. It keeps them informed about your products, services, company news, etc. Here are ten ways to grow your...
5 of the Best Things to Do When You’re Overwhelmed by Work
Dec 21, 2022 | business
If you're feeling overwhelmed by work, it can be easy to feel like you're stuck in a rut. Trust me. I definitely get it. There have been too many days to count recently where I just stare at my computer, overwhelmed on what to work on next. There are some simple...
5 Ways to Increase Productivity at Your Desk
To all the still somewhat new people working from home, I see you. I've been self-employed for six years now and it's still a struggle to be productive at my desk when there are so many more entertaining things just outside my office door. Over the years I've found a...
How I Plan Out My Blog/YouTube Content
Nov 3, 2020 | business, planning
With over a decade of creating content online, I've tried my fair share of content planning. I've used tangible planners, Google Calendars, and pages of lists. Yet my current content strategy has been by far my favorite and the one I've kept up with the most. I use...
The Toxicity of the Hustle Mentality
Jul 24, 2020 | business
Good things come to those who hustle, right? As someone who has "hustled" for nearly six years, I'm tired of it. Tired of the toxic mindset that if you just work a little bit harder, a little bit longer, you'll be successful. That's just not true. Sure you can't just...
What My Work Day Looks Like Right Now
Working from home has always had a bit of a weird schedule attached to it, but now that quarantine and COVID-19 are a regular norm, my daily work day looks quite different. Plus we've expanded our business services to doing boutique branding for companies which adds a...