Turning 32 | Romanticize Life with Me Vlog Ep. 13
Turning 32 | Romanticize Life with Me Vlog Ep. 13

I turned 32 a couple of weeks ago now and I'm still warm and fuzzy from it all. I take my birthday way too seriously. There was a particularly traumatic birthday in my teenage years where no one showed up. So I've grown to put a lot of stock into the day. Things don't...

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5 Reasons You Should Take an ASL Class in the New Year
5 Reasons You Should Take an ASL Class in the New Year

Whether or not you make resolutions or are more of a new year to-do list person like myself, consider adding learning ASL to your list. American Sign Language (ASL) is a rich and expressive language that is used by millions of deaf and hard of hearing individuals in...

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20 Journaling Prompts to Help with Self-Discovery
20 Journaling Prompts to Help with Self-Discovery

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery and can help you gain a better understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It can feel daunting to stare at an empty page and not know what to write about. So I've complied a list of 20 journaling prompts...

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Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.