How I Plan to Live a More Intentional Life in 2019
I’ve never been one for a word of the year, but this year felt different somehow. There has been so many changes going on in my business and personal life that it felt right to pick something to focus on in 2019. No silly new year’s resolutions. Just one word to keep me focused on becoming my best self over the next year. INTENTION.
Just picking a word has me feeling different and more…well…intentional. It’s always in the back of my mind as I go about my days. I find myself subconsciously asking, “How can I live my life with more intention today?” I teamed up with to do just that.
This year I want to be more intentional with my relationships. It’s so easy to get caught up in my daily to do lists that I forget to reach out to friends or family that I don’t see every day. I’ve scheduled in my planner to write a few letters every month to the people I care about and the all occasions card pack makes it super easy to have any type of card I may need on hand.
How I Plan to Live a More Intentional Life in 2019
I also want to take my blog and brand more seriously in the new year. As you guys know, I recently re-branded to better align with the Oh, Hello brand. I want to make more intentional decisions with my company. I picked up new stationery and business cards to celebrate the name change. It has me so excited to send out mail to brands I’ve worked with in the past to build better relationships with them. 

How I Plan to Live a More Intentional Life in 2019
Along with being more intentional with my brand, I want to send more thank you notes to people we work with this year. It’s not only a nice thing to do, it’s a good business practice to get into. It’s so easy to just send a quick email and think it’ll do the trick. But a handwritten card? It’ll set you apart in the business world. Sometimes old school is the way to go.
This isn’t a sponsored post, but I’m excited to take all of my new products and use them to become more intentional this year. It’ll not only build my personal relationships, but my business ones as well. Win-win all around. My favorite kind.