Turning 32 | Romanticize Life with Me Vlog Ep. 13

Turning 32 | Romanticize Life with Me Vlog Ep. 13

I turned 32 a couple of weeks ago now and I’m still warm and fuzzy from it all. I take my birthday way too seriously. There was a particularly traumatic birthday in my teenage years where no one showed up. So I’ve grown to put a lot of stock into the day. Things don’t have to be over-the-top by any means. I don’t think I’m a particularly over the top kind of person to begin with. But the day matters regardless.

And my birthday this year was perfect. Friends, no fuss, lots of food. It was simple and perfection. The entire week was quite something really. 

I’ve been making these romanticize daily life with me videos for a few months now and have yet to formally post about it on the blog. So here’s episode 13.

How Do You Declutter When Your Significant Other Isn’t Into It

How Do You Declutter When Your Significant Other Isn’t Into It

Waiting for “spring cleaning” never seems to work for me. Once the holidays are over I start to feel that decluttering itch. Decluttering your home can be a daunting task, especially if your significant other isn’t as enthusiastic about it as you are. It’s important to remember that decluttering is not just about getting rid of things – it’s about creating a more organized and functional space that you can enjoy. Here are some tips for decluttering when your SO isn’t into it:

Start small and focus on one area at a time.

Don’t try to tackle your entire house in one day – it will be overwhelming and may discourage you from continuing. Start with a small space, like a closet or a drawer, and work your way up to larger areas. This is also a great way to show your SO that this is something important to you. 

Involve your significant other in the process.

Even if they aren’t as excited about decluttering as you are, try to involve them in the process. Ask for their input on what to keep and what to get rid of, and explain the benefits of decluttering to them. It’s important to meet them where they are though. A lot of people keep things from a scarcity mindset. They may not need it now, but what if they need it in the future. It’s vital to be open-minded and understand where your SO is coming from.

Set aside dedicated decluttering time.

Schedule specific times each week or month to work on decluttering, and stick to them. This will help you stay focused and make progress, even if your SO isn’t always available to help. Be open to trying different methods based on what appeals to your SO. Maybe you turn all the hangers around to see which clothes you wear or put everything you want to get rid of in a box and write a date to get rid of it. When that date comes, if neither one of you can remember what’s inside, it’s easier to get rid of.

Don’t get rid of things without their consent.

It’s important to respect your SO’s belongings, even if you don’t think they are necessary. If there are items you want to get rid of, talk to your significant other about it first and come to an agreement on what to do with them. What works best for me and Alex is to have clear spaces that are “our own.” We respect each other’s space and don’t project our personal desires onto them.

Use storage solutions to keep things organized.

If your SO has items they want to keep but don’t have a designated space for, consider using storage solutions like bins, baskets, and shelves to keep things organized and out of sight. This one is probably the biggest one for me and Alex. We have agreed on a number of “question free” bins that each of us gets. You can put anything you want to save in them, no questions asked.

So if you’re feeling the decluttering bug like I am, but your SO isn’t too keen on it, try these tips. They may never be 100% on board for a variety of reasons, but it’s important to communicate why it matters to you and find a common ground where both of you can be content. Happy decluttering!

5 Reasons You Should Take an ASL Class in the New Year

5 Reasons You Should Take an ASL Class in the New Year

Whether or not you make resolutions or are more of a new year to-do list person like myself, consider adding learning ASL to your list. American Sign Language (ASL) is a rich and expressive language that is used by millions of deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States and around the world. Taking an ASL class can be a rewarding and enriching experience for anyone, regardless of their hearing ability. Here are five reasons why you should consider taking an ASL class:

ASL is a beautiful and unique language.

With its own grammar and syntax, as well as its own cultural norms and values, ASL is a language like no other. Learning it can open up a new world of communication and understanding. I greatly enjoyed reading and learning about the deaf community and their unique culture.

ASL can improve your communication skills.

Sign language requires you to use your body, face, and hands to convey meaning, which can improve your overall communication skills. It can also help you develop nonverbal communication skills, such as body language and facial expressions, which are important in any form of communication.

ASL can improve your cognitive abilities.

Learning a new language has been shown to improve cognitive abilities such as memory, concentration, and problem-solving. It can also delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline. Which I’m all about. Keeping up with all these changes in technology is hard enough as it is.

ASL can open up new career opportunities.

In the United States, there is a high demand for qualified ASL interpreters, particularly in the fields of healthcare, education, and social services. Taking an ASL class can help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to pursue a career as an interpreter or in a related field. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to interpret plays or concerts. Now I know it’s a lot of hard work but something I’m honestly still quite interested in pursuing.

ASL can help you connect with others.

By learning ASL, you can connect with the deaf and hard of hearing community and better understand their experiences. You can also use your new language skills to communicate with friends and family members who use ASL, or to make new connections with people who are interested in the language. Alex and I ran into our completely deaf ASL teacher a few months after our class. We were able to communicate with her and her friend and even helped transport a desk to their apartment. We would have never been able to help them if we hadn’t taken the class.

Overall, there are many compelling reasons to take an ASL class. Whether you’re interested in the language itself, the cognitive benefits, or the potential career opportunities, learning ASL can be a rewarding and enriching experience. Plus it’s fun to sign to Alex across a crowded room and know exactly what each other is saying.

20 Journaling Prompts to Help with Self-Discovery

20 Journaling Prompts to Help with Self-Discovery

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery and can help you gain a better understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It can feel daunting to stare at an empty page and not know what to write about. So I’ve complied a list of 20 journaling prompts to help you get started on your journey of self-discovery. From exploring your values and goals, to reflecting on your relationships and experiences, these prompts will encourage you to dig deeper and gain insight into who you are and what you want.

  1. What are my values and how do I live in alignment with them?
  2. What are my strengths and how can I use them more effectively?
  3. What are my goals for the future and how can I work towards achieving them?
  4. What brings me joy and fulfillment in life?
  5. How do I handle difficult emotions and situations?
  6. How do my past experiences shape who I am today?
  7. What are my relationships like and how can I improve them?
  8. How do I handle stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance?
  9. What are my beliefs and how do they impact my behavior?
  10. What are my goals for personal growth and self-improvement?
  11. How do I want to be remembered by others?
  12. What are my biggest fears and how can I confront them?
  13. What are the things I am most grateful for in my life?
  14. What are my biggest accomplishments and how did I achieve them?
  15. How do I want to change and grow as a person?
  16. What are my goals for my career and how can I work towards achieving them?
  17. How do I want to contribute to the world and make a positive impact?
  18. What are my hobbies and how do they enrich my life?
  19. How do I define success for myself and am I on the right path to achieving it?
  20. What are my deepest desires and how can I fulfill them?

The Best Last Minute Gifts for the Minimalist in Your Life

The Best Last Minute Gifts for the Minimalist in Your Life

With the holidays literally just around the corner, it can be a challenge to find the perfect gift for the minimalist in your life. After all, minimalists value simplicity and prioritize experiences over material possessions. So, what do you get for the person who seems to have everything they need and nothing they don’t?

First, consider the minimalist’s interests and passions. Is your friend a fitness enthusiast, a bookworm, or a foodie? A gift that aligns with their interests will be more meaningful and appreciated than a generic item that takes up space. For example, a new workout book or class pass for the fitness enthusiast, a limited edition book for the bookworm, or a gourmet food item for the foodie.

Another option is to give the gift of an experience, such as a concert or theater tickets, a culinary class, or a trip. These types of gifts provide lasting memories and require no physical space.

If you do want to give a physical gift, consider something that is high-quality and will last for a long time. Minimalists appreciate durability and longevity in their possessions. A nice piece of kitchen equipment, a quality piece of clothing, or a well-made piece of furniture are all good options.

You could also give them a calendar filled with coffee dates, lunches, and things to look forward to with you and their other friends. Setting up events and gatherings is a heartfelt way to see them more regularly next year.

Be sure to consider the minimalist’s lifestyle and values. Is your friend trying to live a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly life? If so, you could give a gift that aligns with these values, such as a reusable water bottle or a compost bin.

The best gifts for the minimalist in your life are those that align with their interests, provide a memorable experience, are high-quality and long-lasting, and align with their lifestyle and values. It’s the thought that counts, so put some thought into your gift and it is sure to be appreciated.

My Experience with Morning Pages After 6 Months

My Experience with Morning Pages After 6 Months

As I was trying to come up with some catchy title for this post, I realized it had been six months since I first started doing morning pages. SIX MONTHS. Am I at that age now that time flies by remarkably fast? Don’t tell me if I am. I don’t want to know. Let’s step away from the cliffside of an existential crisis and get back to the task at hand. My experience with Morning Pages.

What the heck are morning pages?

Morning pages are from The Artist’s Way and I’m not going to lie to you, I read about the daily pages and was like, “Yep. I’ve read enough.” I haven’t finished the book and I really don’t even know what the ultimate long term goal of morning pages is, but I was all in. Six months ago I was in a place where I didn’t know just how badly I need to write every single day.

So the gist of morning pages is this. Write three pages, longhand, in the morning before you get into the nitty gritty of your day. They can be about anything, they can be about nothing. Just fill those three pages with whatever handwriting the gods have given you.

What I’m doing differently…

So for the first two months I was fanatical about writing these pages first thing. I would wake up an hour earlier than usual every single morning to get them done. Sometimes they would go quickly and other times I would struggle. Now, after six months and four filled notebooks, I’m not so rigid with myself. My goal is to still write three pages each day, but I’m much more flexible on the timeline. I’m giving myself a bit of grace, and I find the results of my writing to be much more fulfilling.

I find that I am not rushing to get them done before a meeting or getting ready for the day. I’m letting my mind have the time to wander and settle on different thoughts I may not have gotten to first thing in the morning. I’m also a very slow to wake type of person. I don’t think I’m fully all there until at least an hour or two after waking up and starting my day. Plus I tend to go on quite regular Starbucks runs and if I’m being a stickler for the rules, I wouldn’t be able to do that before I started writing if I followed the pure morning pages method.

Will I keep doing them?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is I find a huge sense of accomplishment after I finish the third page and close the notebook. I weirdly enjoy looking at the four completely full notebooks on my shelf knowing I scribbled my thoughts in them to their fill. I have days where I feel like I’m making huge breakthroughs and understanding my thoughts and emotions. I communicate said thoughts better with my partner. Since I write every day I don’t feel pressured to always have to write about the big stuff, but can romanticize the small stuff too.

Should you do them, too?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is I find it to be a cheaper form of therapy. One that I can do on my couch in my sleep shirt where I can really just spend time with myself. I’m not a religious person, but I feel like its akin to sitting down with a bible to spend time with God if that’s what you believe. It’s meditative, head-clearing, and a sense of accomplishment at the start of every day.