This blog has been around in one form or another since 2010. It’s an amalgamation of who I was, who I am, and who I’m hoping to be. Sometimes it’s about beauty products. Other times (most of the time) it’s about planning. Occasionally there’s business stuff and even rarer board game content.

So thanks for stopping by, reading somthing long-form in a world of fast information, and hanging out with me on my slice of the internet.




it's me


Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.


How I Pack for Travel
How I Pack for Travel

2018 was the year of travel and we still have one last trip to go before ringing in 2019! After forgetting quite a few things during the first trip I vowed to get my shit together to not run out of clean underwear again. Here's how I keep from under/over packing and...

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How I’ve Been Using My Rifle Paper Co. Planner
How I’ve Been Using My Rifle Paper Co. Planner

This wouldn't be a planner, beauty, and lifestyle blog if I didn't go through a bi-weekly planner crisis right? Today's YouTube video goes into more detail about my current crisis and the planner setup I'm in, but a lot of the turmoil comes down to The Rifle...

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Cultivate What Matters Planner Review
Cultivate What Matters Planner Review

Let's talk about goals. I suck at them. I can't tell you the number of times I've written a blog post full of goals only to immediately forget about them as soon as I hit publish. Not to mention how many lists of goals I've written just to lose the list a week later....

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Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.

a desk