As an accompaniment to my last post about how to make your blog photographs better, I wanted to give some easy blog photography hacks if you just aren’t sure how to accomplish the photos you want. Quick and easy things to make the whole process easier. Get ready for all my super secret photography tips to be revealed.
First and foremost, the easiest way to not spend tons of money on equipment and lighting is to use natural light. We have quite a lot of equipment from Alex’s wedding photography days, but I still find the large window in our bedroom to be the best source for natural, bright light. It gets the most sun in the afternoon which is when I like taking my photos. Picking a nice big window that gets light when you want to shoot photos will make your life so much easier.
I also use poster board for backgrounds so I don’t have to worry about moving a white table or surface in. I have a stack of white poster board I picked up years ago that I use for everything. Plus if it gets dirty or I poke a ton of holes in it for enamel pin photography, I can just toss it. 
If you’re really in need of lighting and can’t afford to buy soft boxes, DIY your own lighting. Alex took a large lamp shade from IKEA that had a light bulb cord attachment and covered it with parchment paper to diffuse the light. He put a very bright bulb in and presto, make-shift light box. Sure it isn’t as good as the real thing, but we used what we had on hand and it works in a pinch.
Blog photography shouldn’t hold you back from having the blog you want. Try these tips and you’ll be snapping pics like a pro!