I’m not going to kid myself with workout or budget related goals. 2022 is going to be the year to go easy on ourselves and the same goes for goal setting. I picked five realistic goals that you can adapt to fit your lifestyle.
Read 52 Books
Now this may seem like a lot for some people, but this year without much effort I read nearly 70 books. So 52 seems like a doable number of one book a week. Reading is one of my favorite (and only) ways to wind down after a stressful day of work and is something I take great pleasure in.
90% Morning Pages Success Rate
I’m nearly a month into daily morning pages and find myself loving the process. I’ll be writing a post about my experience and what the heck morning pages are for, but basically it’s writing a few pages every single morning. The pages can be about anything, but there has to be three pages longhand every day. I know it’s unrealistic to try and not miss a single day, but my goal is 90% success. Set a goal like this for working out, eating healthier, etc.
8 Concerts or Events
COVID allowing, I’d love to go to eight concerts or events in 2022. I miss live music, basketball games, and just having something to look forward to. I’ll wear a mask and wash my hands religiously.
Travel 3 Times
There was a time I would travel somewhere nearly every month. I crave it despite it seeming to go against everything about my nature. I love packing for the trip, planning everything out, and getting away from the stresses of work. Three times feels completely doable with one already planned for January and a birthday trip in the works for June.
Bake 6 New Things
Baking is something that often falls to the wayside when my life gets hectic. I would love to try a few recipes in 2022 that I haven’t yet, but I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself by doing one every month. Give yourself a number to strive towards instead of just “bake more.” That way you know when you’re successful.

The key to successful goals is to make them realistic. Maybe you already have plans in the works that a goal just solidifies. Maybe you’ve started a hobby and just want the motivation to stick with it. I much rather make goals I’m excited about rather than ones I dread that will leave me feeling like a failure when I inevitably fail at them. I also strongly recommend keeping your goals to around 4-6. Too many and they start to just feel like work.
What are your goals for 2022?