This blog has been around in one form or another since 2010. It’s an amalgamation of who I was, who I am, and who I’m hoping to be. Sometimes it’s about beauty products. Other times (most of the time) it’s about planning. Occasionally there’s business stuff and even rarer board game content.

So thanks for stopping by, reading somthing long-form in a world of fast information, and hanging out with me on my slice of the internet.




it's me


Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.


How to Make Friends | The Kindergarten Method
How to Make Friends | The Kindergarten Method

One thing has become painfully obvious after two years of working from home. It's hard to make new friends. Sure I could ditch the robe and start hanging out at coffee shops trying to meet people, but that seems like an expensive habit to pick up without any...

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Planning Supplies Anti-Haul
Planning Supplies Anti-Haul

Anti-hauls have been making the rounds on YouTube lately and it got me thinking about all the planner supplies I wouldn't buy. We're constantly posting hauls of new stickers and planner goodies on Instagram, so I'm here to share what I won't be buying. Up first is...

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Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.

a desk