We’re all more than happy to kick 2020 to the curb. Unfortunately as much as we can hope, I doubt January 1st will look that different. So I’m focusing on the positive and sharing my to do list to have something to look forward to in the upcoming year. What would be on your 2021 list?

Create an embroidery design from my own pattern

I’ve done a number of pre-made kits, but I’m excited to try my hand at drawing my own pattern and embroidering it. If you’re new to embroidery or are interested in learning more, check out this post on how to get started with embroidery.

Do a pull-up

Even at my strongest I’ve never been able to do a pull-up. I’m making it a goal that by the end of the year to do just one. With all this rock climbing I’m well on my way. If it doesn’t happen I’ll be bummed, but I’ll still be a hell of a lot stronger than when 2021 started.

Visit my best friend in Washington or her here

I’ve had the great misfortune i having my best friend live out of state for the majority of our 15 year friendship. We always make an effort to see each other at least once a year and I’d love to find a way to safely see her in 2021. Plus another trip out to Washington would be lovely.

Create more than five board game videos

I must admit, I’m a chicken when it comes to filming my board game videos. They’re the hardest videos for me to make because I want them to be perfect, filmed well, and full of details. I go as far as to write a script and shot list for each video to make sure I don’t miss anything. I’d love to do more in 2021. 

Read 12 books

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I used to LOVE reading. I would devour books whole, stay up way past my bedtime, and be in a real funk after a great story ended. I went through a phase of reading this past year, but had trouble sustaining it. I would love to read just one book a month because I truly do love it when I’m reading, I just have to get myself to remember that.

Go for a hike

I’m trying my damn best to be more active and increase my recreational activities. Michigan has countless hiking trails and really great views. I’m determined to take advantage of at least one of them.

Housewarming for my sister

My older sister and her husband are building a house in 2021 and I would love to throw her a housewarming no matter what it looks like pandemic wise. In person or online, I’d really love to celebrate this awesome accomplishment.

Keep up with Powersheets

Now if any of these to do list items won’t happen, it’s probably this one. I’ve tried to keep up with Powersheets in the past and have failed miserably, but this year I’m really happy with my goals and want to put my best effort into routinely checking back on how they’re going.

floral embroidery

30 day yoga challenge

Another one of those things I usually only get to day 16 of before falling off the bandwagon, but I refuse to let perfect be the enemy of good. I’m partial to Yoga with Adriene on YouTube who has a 30 day yoga journey starting in January.

Bake macarons

I have legitimately everything I need to make macarons, but the fear of failure and constant warnings from the internet about their difficulty have put me off of the idea. This year I’ll try, even if it results in a messy kitchen and nothing else to show for it.

Climb the hardest wall at the rock climbing gym

It’s the one you see right when you walk in. It’s tall, covered in crazy angles, and even the best climbers in the gym seem iffy about it. Now I’m not saying it’ll be pretty, but I want to get to the top of that route by the end of the year.

Play all unplayed board games

My husband and I are board game addicts and find ourselves with a handful on our shelves we have yet to even play. We played two of them on Christmas day and it was glorious. We’ll play the rest of them by year’s end.

Mulch flower beds

One of those adulting things I’ve put off for two years too long. I love my houseplants to death, but have really no interest in outdoor gardening despite my best efforts. I’ll be so happy with how our home looks with the mulch refreshed. Now to just keep reminding myself of that fact to encourage me to actually do it.

Take a week off work

I don’t even have to go anywhere, but I would love to take one random week off of work and turn everything off. Watch historical dramas, bake, play video games, and feel the gloriousness of being bored.

Finish the master bedroom

I’m so close to having the master bedroom fully decorated and I just need to finish it off. My husband has offered to make us a headboard and we need a dresser to deal with his constant floor-drobe issues, and it’ll be complete.

Propagate plants

I think it’s time to take my plant lady ways to new heights and start trying to propagate my plants. I would love it if every gift I gave in 2021 included a plant created from one in my collection.

Solar system embroidery

Alex and I had this collective idea for me to do a series of planet based embroidery. I think it will look so awesome to have all these finished hoops lined up in various sizes of the planets. It’s definitely going to be quite the undertaking.

Organize pins by theme

I have a lot of enamel pins. Like a lot. I’d love to take the time to organize them by theme and style one lazy weekend. 

Miniature coffee shop model

I’ve been itching to get started on my second miniature model. This coffee shop one is AMAZING and they’re so fun to put together. With my focus on crafting and hobbies in 2021, this is high on the list of things to create.

Declutter house of unnecessary things

I’m on a lifelong journey of ridding myself of unnecessary fluff in my life. I saw somewhere recently that said all that clutter in your house used to be money. That’s really stuck with me and although I cannot get even a quarter of that money back, I can rid myself of mental clutter and not feel like I’m one of those people who need a twelve person moving crew and two trucks to hold all of my posessions.

Celebrate my husband’s 30th birthday

Again I know it’s not going to be quite the same as years past, but I definitely want to do something special for Alex to celebrate his 30th year. Now the question is what. I’d love any ideas or help!

With only a few hours left until 2020 is a distant, horrible memory, I’m excited to start 2021 with positivity and a list of things to accomplish.