10 Misconceptions About Self Employment
Jan 24, 2019 | business
I've been self-employed for nearly five years now. Of course it definitely has its perks (like our cats being our colleagues), but there are a ton of misconceptions about what it's like to work for yourself. Let's tackle ten of the common ones I get asked about most...
How to Build a Brand Toolkit for Your Blog & Company
Jan 3, 2019 | business
One of the very first things I did before 2019 hit is to finally get my blog brand in order. The name change was just part of the larger picture to get a more cohesive brand identity. Now that all my back links have been fixed and redirects are in order, I...
How I’m Preparing My Business for 2019
Dec 17, 2018 | business
It's very unlike me, but I'm eager for the new year to start. I'm excited. And I haven't felt like that in a really long time. With so many projects and plans for the 2019, here's how I'm preparing my business to start the new year off with a bang. A few weeks ago I...
How I Rekindled My Passion for My Business
Dec 12, 2018 | business
2018 has been a dozy of a year for me. From some serious highs to some even lower lows, the year has been one for the record books. And through it all I found myself to have fallen out of love with Oh, Hello. That truth made me miserable. Alex and I have worked...
Learning to Celebrate Small Accomplishments
Oct 9, 2018 | business
It's one thing I suck at. Celebrating small accomplishments when you're running a small business is nearly impossible. You're always moving on to the next thing, planning out the next release, and constantly going, going, going. It's safe to say that this is one of...
An Introvert’s Guide to Networking
May 31, 2018 | business
Just at the word "networking" I can hear my fellow introverts running for the hills full of blankets to hide under. Trust me, I get it. Nothing sounds less fun than going into a room full of people you don't know to meet a ton of them back to back. But if there's one...