This blog has been around in one form or another since 2010. It’s an amalgamation of who I was, who I am, and who I’m hoping to be. Sometimes it’s about beauty products. Other times (most of the time) it’s about planning. Occasionally there’s business stuff and even rarer board game content.

So thanks for stopping by, reading somthing long-form in a world of fast information, and hanging out with me on my slice of the internet.




it's me


Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.


Habit Tracking for a More Intentional Life
Habit Tracking for a More Intentional Life

I'll admit it, I'm not the greatest when it comes to habit tracking or maintaining habits. Before I started tracking them in my planner I was downright awful. So trust me when I say that habit tracking, actual tracking, can make a world of difference to building and...

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Why You Should Try a Double Monthly Planner System
Why You Should Try a Double Monthly Planner System

Two months ago I took some pliers to my Erin Condren Deluxe Monthly in order to add another monthly view to each section in the hopes of some planner satisfaction (planner peace just doesn't exist...). I always think of the song "I can't get no (planner)...

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5 Beauty Products I’ve Been Loving and You Will Too
5 Beauty Products I’ve Been Loving and You Will Too

So my last beauty post was like a year ago...Like I just didn't stop wearing makeup. Or new products. But apparently beauty posts went out the window when I changed the blog from MicroscopeBeauty to Oh, Hello Living. Well they're back my friends and what better way to...

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My Weird Travel Quirks
My Weird Travel Quirks

One of the first things my husband accepted about me were my weird travel habits. I'm a strange, anxiety-filled duck when it comes to most things, but I get even weirder when it comes to travel. I honestly don't know why I'm still like this after travelling every...

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How to Start a Planner Instagram in 5 Easy Steps
How to Start a Planner Instagram in 5 Easy Steps

Any proper planner addict should have their own planner related Instagram profile. Whether or not you combine it with your "personal" account is up to you, but having a place to share your spreads and seek feedback is another element to the planner community. Don't...

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5 Reasons I Love the Day Designer Planner
5 Reasons I Love the Day Designer Planner

There's a full review blog post on The Day Designer planner a few posts back, but I wanted to share five reasons why I'm completely in love with this planner and how it's completely taken over my planning routine. It's a good'un. The next week at a glance at the...

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Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.

a desk