This blog has been around in one form or another since 2010. It’s an amalgamation of who I was, who I am, and who I’m hoping to be. Sometimes it’s about beauty products. Other times (most of the time) it’s about planning. Occasionally there’s business stuff and even rarer board game content.
So thanks for stopping by, reading somthing long-form in a world of fast information, and hanging out with me on my slice of the internet.
Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.
So You Want to be a Freelancer | My Freelance Journey
Back near the end of 2017 I found myself suddenly a freelancer. It instantly became a change of pace I had never experienced before. New deadlines, tons of different responsibilities, and a juggling act I didn't initially consider. Now, a solid six months after...
Erin Condren 2017 Gift Guide
Although I'm pretty sure I've been buying Christmas presents since May, at least it's now officially acceptable to talk about gift guides! I go to Erin Condren for gifts for all the women in my life, regardless if they're planner obsessed or not. There are a ton of...
My Traveler’s Notebook Supply Collection
Although I only got into traveler's notebooks a few months ago, I have quite the collection of supplies. I'm the type of planner who goes all in once they find a new planning style that works for them. Clips, inserts, dashboards, the works. My collection is constantly...
New Enamel Pin Additions
I'm notoriously hard to shop for despite feeling like I'm the exact opposite. Alex in particular goes on about wanting to give me thoughtful gifts instead of just contributing to my various collections. Yet I would be more than happy to get some shopkins, another...
The Simplified Planner Review & Walk-Through
Is it obvious yet that I'm doing reviews of all of my favorite planners first? The Emily Ley Simplified Planner* is one of those planners that is so gorgeous on the outside and makes me want to kick my butt into gear on the inside. It's perfect for busy women who want...
A Story About Plants
Over the weekend Alex's parents came to visit us in Grand Rapids. It's not often we see them, and Alex spent the majority of the long weekend trying his hardest to convince them to move closer to us. We spent evenings out on the town finding hidden gems, eating...
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Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.