This blog has been around in one form or another since 2010. It’s an amalgamation of who I was, who I am, and who I’m hoping to be. Sometimes it’s about beauty products. Other times (most of the time) it’s about planning. Occasionally there’s business stuff and even rarer board game content.

So thanks for stopping by, reading somthing long-form in a world of fast information, and hanging out with me on my slice of the internet.




it's me


Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.


How to Display Your Childish Hobbies like an Adult
How to Display Your Childish Hobbies like an Adult

I never plan on growing up. I plan on collect little bits and bobs until I'm old and gray and my walls are covered in trinkets. If you're like me then you've found it hard to part with your childish hobbies as you entered this annoying thing called adulthood. Well...

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My Current Planner Setup
My Current Planner Setup

It's been quite a while since I've done a rundown of my current planner setup and since I've recently changed things up, it seemed like a better time than any. I always like to nosy around other people's setups, so here's mine. I've been using a two planner system...

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Bake with Me: Easy Beach Themed Cupcakes
Bake with Me: Easy Beach Themed Cupcakes

Over the weekend my mom and I hosted a beach themed bridal shower for my sister. Naturally I had to bake something for it. Honestly these cupcakes are so easy, they probably don't need their own blog post. But I was just too dang proud of them that I had to share. We...

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How to Create an Effective Content Calendar
How to Create an Effective Content Calendar

I've been blogging on different platforms for nearly ten years now. Over the course of those ten years I learned a lot about what not to do when it comes to consistency and content. Plus I've also tried close to fifty different ways of organizing blogging content...

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Esian Korean Beauty Box
Esian Korean Beauty Box

The Esian Korean Beauty Box has always been a fun little treat for me. I've been involved with beauty and makeup for years (just look at the age of this blog, yessh!) so it's fun to mix things up and try beauty products from other cultures. Plus I'm a sucker for a...

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Amateur potter. Cat enthusiast. Sad poetry writer.

a desk