How I Keep My Makeup Collection Under Control
Oct 6, 2017 | beauty
My stash has reduced substantially since I first started this blog and it's quite the feat to keep it that way. But if you're like me and don't need makeup spilling out of every nook and cranny in your home, I have a few tips to keep it under control. First up,...
How I Store My Traveler’s Notebook Supplies
Oct 4, 2017 | planning
There's no doubt that I'm officially hooked in to the traveler's notebook world. So much so that I spend a good chuck of time every day poking around the Chic Sparrow and Foxy Fix websites seeing if anything new has popped up. Newsletters have been followed, Facebook...
There’s Nothing in the Bin and Other Home Styling Secrets
Oct 3, 2017 | life
I'm no home decor genius, but I do know a thing about making my home look more together than it actually is. The internet is full of lies my friends and home styling is full of secrets. See a gorgeous shelfie full of beautiful bins, books that have only been once, and...
Fall Makeup Favorites
Oct 2, 2017 | beauty
I swear the weather can't make up its mind here in Michigan, but I'm definitely ready for fall to officially arrive. I've shaken up my everyday makeup drawers to add in more autumn ready shades. Here's what's now in rotation. Although I love a good dewy finish base...
September Favorites | Makeup, Planners, and Kittens
Sep 29, 2017 | beauty
There's just something about September that always makes it the fast month of the year for me. It doesn't help that I always pack tons of things into it as the weather finally cools off and I find myself with a newfound sense of motivation (that motivation is now...
Ashley Shelly 2018 Planner Review
Sep 28, 2017 | planning
With October just around the corner, it's definitely time to start talking about 2018 planners. I'm already prepping for my "What Planner to Choose for 2018" series, but when this beauty landed on my doorstep it felt only right to give it its own feature on the...
The Traveler’s Notebook World is Confusing | Here’s How I Figured it Out
Sep 27, 2017 | planning
When I decided to finally take the plunge into the world of traveler's notebooks, I had no idea the jumbled, confusing mess I was getting myself into. Traveler's notebooks are so customizable that it's hard to really get a grasp on the what's what of it all...
5 Things I Want to Do This Autumn
Sep 26, 2017 | life
Although Michigan seems to have not gotten the autumn memo yet, my brain is officially in fall mode. Despite having a to do list a mile long there are still five things I want to squeeze in as the days get a bit colder. Eat my weight in cinnamon sugar...
New Products I’m Testing
Sep 25, 2017 | beauty
There's just something about fall that has new products plopping down on my doorstep. Summer always feels like a dormant beauty time for me as more often than not the makeup just slides off my face anyway. But makeup is finally not sweating off mere minutes after...